Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chapter 3: What Does This Mean?

The Tragic Tales of Alaina Micheals

After I finally arrive back home I decide to enter the study and grab a few books. I walk in the room.....WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT?!?

I come home to see Jason's tongue down my sister's throat.  I was angry, sad, and disappointed all at once.  I thought Jason and I were really getting along. My sister gets everything she wants.  It's just not fair.  It's just not fair.  It's just not fair...

Then, I wake up.  I guess it was all just some weird nightmare.  Well, since it's Saturday, I think it might be a good day to go to the park, and not just because Jason may be there.

I didn't see him. So I thought that I should just sit here and look around taking in the beautiful scenery.  Until someone sits next to me and begins to talk.

My heart practically leapt out of my chest when I realized it was Jason.  We talk for what seems like hours. We exchange cell phone numbers and made a promise to visit each other every Saturday!

           One week we watched the stars together, when he put his hand on mine, it felt incredible. Then it began to get late and we didn't want to get in trouble with the police, he asked to stay at my house for the night and well, that's when it happened..

He asked me to date him, right there in the main hall of my house! He looked at me with a dreamy look in his eyes and asked me! What could be better?

I decided that after each chapter I would show bonus pictures. Things such as pictures I messed up taking or just random things that don't relate to the story at all.

          Well, I just like taking pics of Jason and Alaina, so here are some pics that didn't go into this chapter.

This picture was of an idea that I had but decided not to do.

And these pictures are of Jason as an adult, Alaina as an adult and their children if they get married.



Adult Jason:

Well, thank you for reading! This chapter is dedicated to the awesome, the amazing, Audren11! Yay! Please comment on my story or write on my forum about this story saying whether you liked this chapter or not and if I should continue adding bonus things at the end of the chapters!  


  1. Whoa! Let's hope that was only a dream! ^-^
    Or else that would be awkward...
    Great chapter, Cuddles! :D

  2. I personally enjoy any bonus features but don't give too much away--though I am guessing from the bonus pics that Alaina got her man.

  3. This is rather good! The whole 'seeing the person in the dream that actually exists' thing actually happened in my old story, Overcoming the Haze. They had shared dreams together! I know you didn't mean to steal it, but just sayin!

  4. WOOOOOOOOOOO!I..must..read..more..o.e
