Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chapter 2: The Unexpected

The Tragic Tales of Alaina Micheals

I just went through yet another argument with my mother again tonight over nothing.  But it's like this everyday.  I wake up, go downstairs and she yells at me for something.  Today she yelled at me for being a nuisance to the family.

I don't argue with her though.  I just left the house and went to the park to try and clear my mind.  When I get there though I notice a cute guy.  After looking at him for a while though I notice that he looks oddly familiar but I don't know where I've seen him before.  Then I figure it out, he looks exactly like the guy I see in my strange realistic dreams.  I walk over to him out of curiosity.

I start talking to him for a while and he ended up being a very kind person.  His name is Jason, he goes to a high-school on the other side of town.  We talked for a while and I thought to myself 'Maybe my dream could come true! Maybe this is him!'  I could spend eternity just listening to him speak, but I decided talking all night was good too.  Then I saw something...

Far away I spotted a man in the distance.  He had brown hair, a muscular build, and was reading a book outside of a cafe.  I could tell almost instantly, that he was my father.  I walked up to him.  I had always thought long and hard about what I would say or do if I ever got the chance to see him again.  Then, I knew what I wanted to do.

I gave him a disgusted look. I was angry, and I had every right to be. I began to yell at him.  I yelled at him for not bothering to visit my and I.  I yelled because he didn't bother to even call every now and then.  He was selfish.  All the things I had imagined in my mind of him being an excellent father all came crashing down, he was anything but excellent.

When I had finally finished expressing my anger to him, he  began to apologize.  He told me he'd been busy travelling and painting and couldn't find the time.  Yeah, right.  What a load of crap.  He couldn't fit one visit in three years? He was busy every minute of everyday and couldn't even say hello to me?  

I was about to yell even more and louder than before, making sure the entire cafe could hear.  Then, I realized, he doesn't deserve to have me yell at him.  He doesn't deserve to be able to make me this angry.  So I  walked away.  I left him and walked back home.

After I finally arrive back home I decide to enter the study and grab a few books. I walk in the room.....WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT?!?

Thank you for reading! This is dedicated to drew10player from the Sims 3 Website! Please comment! I think my camera skill improved a little! I'll try to post a new chapter every Saturday! So, see you next week! 


  1. Another Fantastic Chapter!! :D
    I can't wait to see wtf happened!

    Btw Camera Skills are improved! :3

  2. Woo! Dedicated to me! :3
    Camera skills have definitely improved, and I think your writing has, too!
    Can't wait to see what she walked in on!

  3. Ooh a cliffhanger! I love those!

  4. Very nice on picture skills. :3 (I don't know, but does blog spot make it so you can get the pictures bigger?)

    xD Can't wait to see what happens though.
